Saturday, May 8, 2010

Prayer: Help me get past myself

Lord, You know my heart, and how I long to walk with You, to love You, to live for You. I'm still stuck on me-my wants, my complaints, my if any of that will matter in eternity with You. In the meantime, I struggle with my flesh, falling and beating myself up for it. Lord Jesus Christ, You died for me to have victory over the things of this world, and to walk with You in newness of life. So why is this so hard? Just being honest, there are plenty of times that I cannot discern battles against my flesh from battles against the's like the two are in cahoots. Meanwhile, I sense, somewhere off in the distance, a calling for a life that is greater than this, a life that will bring You glory, where I walk with You without stumbling, loving my time with my Savior.

Lord God, grow in me a pure heart, full of love for You and others, untainted by selfishness and greed. Help me to crucify this flesh that keeps rearing its head, wanting a stronghold over my life and thoughts. Please help me to "seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33), and to trust that You'll take care of the rest. Have Your way in me, Holy Lord of Hosts, Creator God, and glorify Yourself in and through Your daughter.

Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, have Your way.
